Crooked Tooth

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What is a Crooked Tooth

A crooked tooth can be defined as a dental disease that develops and grows in an overlapping, curved, sideways manner, and some cases due to trauma. Some people's mouth condition and some jaw types may not fit all the teeth. This can cause tooth crookedness. In some patients, there may be differences between the upper jaw and lower jaw. Due to mismatches in jaw width and tooth size, skewness or excessive gaps may occur in the teeth. Early changes in baby teeth, improper fillings or crowns, and not making them promptly can cause gingival diseases. The main cause of tooth crookedness is genetic factors. Dental crookedness can be treated


Causes of Crooked Tooth

Some disease jaw structures may not be suitable for teeth to come out. In such cases, tooth crookedness may occur. The factors that cause crooked teeth can be listed as follows;

· Genetic factors: It is passed on from parents or previous generations to children. For this reason, people may experience crooked teeth.

    • Skeletal growth disorder: Problems that exist in the skeletal system during the growth period of children can cause tooth crookedness.

    • Dental development disorders: It may occur due to crowding of teeth, missing teeth, excess teeth in the mouth, displacement of teeth as a result of trauma.

    • Respiratory tract disorders: Children who have problems in the respiratory tract begin to breathe through the mouth. In the case of mouth breathing, the jaw cannot develop sufficiently and there may be tooth crowding.

    • Harmful habits: Thumb sucking, using a bottle for a long time, nail-biting, and not eating a regular and balanced diet can be listed among the causes of tooth decay.


Crooked Tooth Treatment


Tooth crookedness can occur due to many factors. However, it is a treatable oral and dental health disease. If there is a minor dentition or tooth misalignment, braces can be used to reposition the teeth. With clear plate treatment, skewness and aesthetic problems can be treated up to a certain level. If there is a problem with tooth color and shape other than distortion, Leaf Porcelain treatment can be applied. Ceramic applications can be made to crooked teeth according to the level of crookedness. To achieve the most aesthetic result, zirconium, a full ceramic coating treatment can be applied to crooked teeth. The point to be noted here is that the person who will make the most accurate planning for your dental aesthetics and crowding problems is the physician.


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