Tooth Stone Cleaning
Tooth stone cleaning, also known as tartar cleaning and detergency, is the process of removing petrified bacterial plaque on the teeth, which can be noticed by its yellow or brownish color. It is important to prevent dental problems such as dental stones, gum disease, and caries from occurring beforehand.
Tooth Stone Formation
The colorless bacterial plaque that constantly appears on the tooth surface begins to form 4-12 hours after brushing the teeth. When bacteria plaque accumulates on teeth and is not cleaned, it gets hard and then forms tooth stone. It can cause aesthetic or surgical problems in the mouth. When the tartar cannot be cleaned, gaps (pockets) occur between the tooth and the gum and gingival recession occurs.
The susceptibility to bacterial plaque and calculus formation is different for everyone. The rate of calculus formation generally increases with aging. Tooth stone that causes discoloration, creates a very strong bond with teeth. Dental calculus, which is firmly attached to tooth enamel, can only be cleaned by a dentist.
Tooth Stone Cleaning Procedure
• After the oral examination, the dentist decides whether a standard tooth stone cleaning or a more advanced cleaning, such as gum diseases, is required.
• In standard tooth stone cleaning, residues, plaques, and tartar between the teeth and in the gum line are cleaned by the dentist.
• Then a special paste is used to polish the teeth to shine.
• Finally, when necessary, some teeth are cleaned with dental floss.
• Tartar cleaning is completed in a short period of 20-25 minutes in the clinic.
During the examination, the dentist may decide that the lower part of the gums, in other words, the root surfaces, in certain areas or in the entire mouth should be cleaned. This procedure, which is made to prevent gum diseases, is an application for the treatment of gum diseases that can progress to bone and tooth loss. The treatment, which starts with local anesthesia after superficial dental care, is carried out by making small cuts in the gums and cleaning by accessing inflammation.
Prevention of Tooth Stone Formation
• After the tooth stone is formed, it can only be cleaned by the dentist, however, the formation of it can be prevented by cleaning the bacterial plaque on the teeth regularly.
• Using dental floss once a day and brushing the teeth at least twice a day properly help prevent the formation of bacterial plaque.
• Besides, having a dental examination twice a year and having dental calculus cleaning are among the recommendations to prevent dental problems.
For more information about tartar - tooth stone cleaning, you can contact Gotocure.