Diabetes and Eye Health

Exceeding a certain range of blood sugar levels is called diabetes. The cause of the disease is insufficient or no insulin hormone production or insensitivity of body tissues to insulin. There are a few signs that you can look for whether diabetes is affecting your eye health or not. The most common signs are trouble seeing at night, blurry vision, or seeing little spots and floaters. You might have one or a combination of these signs due to another factor as well, but these are considered to be the most important signs related to diabetes. 

Another thing is, diabetic people tend to have cataracts at a younger age. A cataract occurs when the transparent disc inside the eye starts to develop cloudy areas and patches which block vision and cause sight loss. The most common complaints from cataracts can be stated as double vision and blurry vision. 

Eye Health Tips For People With Diabetes

• If you are living with diabetes you should visit an eye doctor two times a year. While doing so you have a better chance at treatment as the problem can be detected at an early stage. 

• You should also keep your blood sugar levels stable. If you are taking your medications regularly and if your blood sugar level is on the average level, the chances of having an eye problem drastically reduce. 

• Another thing is to be able to understand if you have problems with your eyes or not. Because once you feel something is wrong and go directly to a doctor, your treatment process becomes much easier than being too late for a doctor’s appointment. 

Diabetes and Blindness

Diabetes is an important factor that can make you blind, but it will not be effective on its own. First of all, if you can keep a healthy diet and control your blood sugar levels, you are unlikely to lose sight. So if you can keep your diabetes under control with effective treatments, you most probably won’t experience vision loss. But if you are not taking your medications regularly and not leading a healthy lifestyle, diabetes can cause retinopathy which can cause blindness over time. 

Slowing Down Diabetic Retinopathy

• Making healthy life choices is the key to slow down diabetic retinopathy in most cases such as eating a balanced diet and exercising. 

• By making healthier life choices you can keep your blood sugar level and blood pressure under control. 

• You should also keep in mind that in some cases, some patients need to take medications to slow down retinopathy. 

Lowering blood sugar may improve your vision if it’s affected by high blood sugar but you need to be careful. Because the sugar level in your blood is too low, it can also cause vision loss and double vision. So it’s always better to eat healthily, stay away from food that makes big changes in your blood sugar levels. Blurred vision problems are generally temporary problems that occur when the lens of the eye swells. The problem can go back to normal in 4 to 6 weeks after you start to balance your blood sugar levels with the help of a professional. If you have any thoughts about diabetes causing eye problems, you can contact Gotocure and get professional support.


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