Sinus Raising (Sinus Augmentation)

Maxillary sinus raising also called a sinus lift or sinus augmentation is a surgical procedure that aims to increase the bone volume in the area where molars are located in the upper jaw bone. It is completed by lifting the lower sinus membrane and placing a bone graft. A sinus raising is usually done by a dentist such as an oral maxillofacial surgeon or a periodontist.

The maxillary sinuses located on the molar teeth cause a loss of bone volume due to their proximity to the upper jaw or due to gum disease or tooth loss in the upper jaw. These losses in the sinus cavities can cause problems when it comes to implant treatment. In this case, the sinus membrane must be lifted upwards to add volume to the bone.

Sinus Raising Operation Process

The most common operations in sinus raising are open and closed sinus surgery. In open sinus surgery, the sinus membrane is reached directly and the membrane is removed. If there are more than 4 millimeters of bone in the part where the sinus raising operation is performed, it is possible to place the implants in the same session with the sinus raising operation.

In a closed sinus-raising operation, the area to be operated is locally anesthetized. By removing the gum, a small circle is opened in the bone with the appropriate tools selected for the side treatment of the sinus. The sinus membrane covering the inside of the sinus is gently raised and a bone powder called a graft is placed between the lower bones. Finally, the operation area is covered with stitches and the healing process begins. Implants are placed 4-12 months after sinus augmentation surgery when the added bone tissue reaches sufficient hardness.

Things to Consider After Sinus Raising Application

There may be some swelling in the area where the bone was attached after the sinus augmentation procedure, but most patients only experience some discomfort. There may also be minimal amount of bleeding from the nose or mouth in the days following the surgery.

• Oral hygiene is an important factor you should after sinus-raising surgeries.

• The use of antibiotics and drugs or ice application should be made with the physician's recommendation.

• Pressure from the nose may also affect the sinuses, risking the procedure. During the recovery period, it is important that the patient moves in a way that does not create pressure while sneezing or cleaning the nose for about 10 days.

• Smoking should be avoided, especially during the recovery period, as it directly affects the success of the operation.

You can contact Gotocure for more information about sinus augmentation surgery.



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